"ONLINE - CONFERENCES" PLATFORM2024-09-07T14:39:45+05:00Lucía Santana Cerdeñainfo@online-conferences.comOpen Journal Systems<p><strong><span class="has-inline-color">Online Conferences </span></strong> is an international Conference platform, which organizes working/ virtual conferences in the various disciplines of Engineering, Technology, Management, Social Sciences, Food Technology, Agriculture, Law, Economics, Public Health, and many more.</p> <p>The primary goal of this platform is to bring the technocrats of various fields together to share their technical experiences all over the world. The world of interdisciplinary technology needs the technocrats to become interdisciplinary.</p> <p><strong><span class="has-inline-color">Online Conferences</span></strong> is providing the excellent platform and inviting all the researchers to bring their work for discussion and suggestions in order to serve the technical community.</p> <p>The conferences are hosted from different locations including Azerbaijan, Armenia, Ecuador, Nigeria, Poland, India, Indonesia, Zimbabwe, Turkey, Spain, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Georgia, and the USA. Hence, Researchers can save their time and money on traveling to attend this conference as it is happening online.</p> <p>Authors are requested to send their original Project synopsis, Research, Paper presentations, Surveys, Review articles, Technical Notes, Book Reviews, Patent research</p> And Productivity Indicators Of Foreign Winter Common Wheat Varieties In Local Raw2024-05-10T09:57:05+05:00Yusupov Nasiriloauthor@gmail.comMardanov Husniddin Kholbazarovichauthor@gmail.comAbdunazarov Otabek Ulug'<p>The results of phenological and productivity indicators of local and foreign varieties were studied in the nursery of the first year of propagation.</p>2024-05-06T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024Разработка методики обеспечения электромагнитной совместимости между проектируемыми и действующими радиоэлектронными средствами на локальном объекте2024-05-15T22:16:51+05:00Azimov Uluģbek<p>В данной статье приводятся мнения наших отечественных и зарубежных ученых о разработке методики обеспечения электромагнитной совместимости радиоэлектронных устройств, спроектированных и работающих на отечественном объекте.</p>2024-05-12T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024ИГНАЛЛАРНИ ВЕЙВЛЕТ УСУЛИ АСОСИДА РАҚАМЛИ ИШЛАШ2024-05-17T11:14:14+05:00Л.Я.ХУРАМОВ<p>Мазкур мақолада тиббий сигналларни Добеши вейвлетида рақамли ишлашнинг математик модели ва алгоритми ишлаб чиқилди, ҳамда интерполятсиялаш хатолигини баҳолаш натижалари келтирилди. Эхпремент сифатида тиббий сигналлардан бири гастроентрологик сигналлар олинди. Хатоликни баҳолашда Ҳақиқий сигналга нисбатан Добеши вейвлетининг абсолют хатолиги пайтҳон дастурлаш тили муҳитида олинган натижасига асосан келтирилди.</p>2024-05-12T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024 functional parameters of the knee joint under the influence 2024-05-21T22:25:33+05:00Eshankulova<p>Among endocrine diseases, thyroid diseases occupy the highest places in the world in terms of incidence. A number of targeted scientific studies are being conducted around the world to study the functional structure of the thyroid gland depending on age and gender. In this regard, it is necessary to study the factors leading to the development of hypothyroid syndrome in pathology of the thyroid gland, especially the state of hypothyroidism during pregnancy, the negative impact of hypothyroidism on fetal development, including the risk of serious pathological changes. In the musculoskeletal system, changes in the shape of the musculoskeletal system can lead to severe, potential disability of the growing organism. Degenerative-dystrophic changes in this area are of particular scientific and practical importance.</p>2024-05-13T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024 Education – the Place of Dual Education in the Labor Market2024-06-06T06:39:45+05:00Masharipova Gularam Kamilovna Batirbaeva Shalola Sultankulovna<p><em>The article scientifically analyzes the organization and the main goal of dual education in Uzbekistan. The new approach in the system of vocational education will ensure high-quality training of future highly qualified specialists. </em><em>In the article, the main purpose of using dual education is to combine education with labor in order to develop the economy of Uzbekistan, ensure employment of the population, especially youth and women, in large and small businesses, and reduce poverty. Much attention was paid to the issues of training qualified personnel through its joint organization.</em></p>2024-06-02T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024 XOMASHYOLARDAN QURUQ BETON ARALASHMALARI OLISH TEXNOLOGIYASINI YARATISH2024-06-06T08:50:53+05:00Izzatullayev Z.A., author@gmail.comElmamatov F.,<p>Quruq qurilish qorishmalari tushunchasi XX asrning 50-60 yillarida paydo bo’lgani bilan, ko'proq nazariyotda uchrar edi. Uning amaliyotda qo’llanilishi asosan XXI asrda, avval garbiy evropada va keyinchalik boshqa qator rivojlangan davlatlar iqtisodiyotida o’z o’rnini egallay boshladi [1].</p>2024-05-28T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024ВНУТРЕННИЕ УПРАВЛЕНЧЕСКИЕ ПРОЦЕССЫ И УПРАВЛЕНИЕ ЧЕЛОВЕЧЕСКИМИ РЕСУРСАМИ В ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫХ КОРПОРАЦИЯХ: ОПЫТ И ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫ2024-06-06T12:40:50+05:00 Мамараджабов Фарход Бахтиярович<p><em>The effective management of internal administrative processes and human resources is crucial for the success of state corporations. This study explores the experiences and perspectives of state corporations in managing these critical aspects. The research aims to identify best practices, challenges, and areas for improvement in the internal administrative processes and human resource management of state corporations. The findings highlight the importance of clear communication, efficient workflow, and strategic planning in enhancing administrative efficiency and employee satisfaction. Additionally, the study reveals the need for continuous training and development programs to equip employees with the necessary skills to adapt to changing organizational needs. The results provide valuable insights for state corporations seeking to optimize their internal administrative processes and human resource management practices, ultimately contributing to improved organizational performance and public service delivery.</em></p>2024-06-03T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024 ASPECTS OF LEGAL REGULATION OF NUCLEAR ENERGY2024-06-06T12:42:46+05:00Abdulloh Ubaydulloh o’g’li Nishonov<p><em>In this article, the concept of atomic energy, the historical processes of its creation, how conflicts between nuclear states regarding the use of nuclear energy arose and the policies of states to resolve them, legal aspects of the regulation of the use of nuclear energy, and the use of nuclear power by nuclear states at present are discussed in this article. energy policy is analyzed. Also, this article focuses on the cooperation between the countries on the correct and rational use of atomic energy, ensuring the safety of this type of energy.</em></p>2024-06-03T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024 METHODS OF INVESTMENT PROJECTS IN COMMERCIAL BANKS2024-06-06T12:44:19+05:00Ganieva Umida<p><em>The article examines the methods of expertise of investment projects in commercial banks and ways to improve the mechanism of their organization.</em></p>2024-06-03T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024 ROLE OF CLUSTER DEVELOPMENT IN INCREASING THE COMPETITIVENESS OF THE AGRARIAN SECTOR2024-06-06T12:46:50+05:00Tursunov Bekmukhammad<p><em>The article examines the role of cluster development in improving the competitiveness of the agrarian sector and the impact of the system of its organization on the processes of integrated agricultural development. </em></p>2024-06-03T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024 AND PSYCHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF PROFESSIONAL QUALITIES IN FUTURE ENGINEERS2024-06-07T06:24:20+05:00Mirkhodjayeva Dilorom Batirovna<p><em>The article scientifically reveals the pedagogical and psychological features of the development of professional qualities in future engineers. From the standpoint of the personal-activity approach, we determined the essence of professionally important qualities, features of the development of professional qualities of future engineers, as socio-psychological, psychological and psychophysiological qualities that meet the requirements of engineering and professional activities and determine successful adaptation to activities, effective training in their specialty and effective performing activities in a specific special position.</em></p>2024-06-02T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024 BO’YASH JARAYONIDA AJRALADIGAN ORGANIC ERITUVCHILARNI KONDENSASIYALAB USHLAB QOLISH TEXNOLOGIYASINI YARATISH2024-06-07T06:43:35+05:00Elmamatov Z.Aauthor@gmail.comIzzatullayev Nauthor@gmail.comTillyayev<p>Har yili atmosferaga 150 million tonna turli aerozollar chiqarib tashlanadi; o’rtacha 220 million tonna oltingugurt dioksidi; 450 million tonna uglerod oksidi; 75 million tonna azot oksidi va boshqalar [1]. Yerning har bir aholisi atmosferaga o'rta hisob bilan olganda 300-400 kg chiqindilarni chiqaradi.</p>2024-06-02T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024 ROLE OF MODERNIZATION IN INCREASING THE COMPETITIVENESS OF AGRICULTURE2024-06-10T17:40:23+05:00Erkhonova Malakhat<p><em>The article examines the role of modernization and its importance in increasing agricultural competitiveness. A scientific proposal and practical recommendations aimed at increasing the competitiveness of agriculture through modernization have been formulated.</em></p>2024-06-09T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024 PROBLEMS OF MONETARY POLICY IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES2024-06-10T17:42:47+05:00Ganieva Umida<p><em>The article examines the current problems of monetary policy in foreign countries and the reasons for the emergence of factors affecting its development processes.</em></p>2024-06-09T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024УПРАВЛЕНИЕ ИННОВАЦИЯМИ В СИСТЕМЕ ПОДГОТОВКИ МЕНЕДЖЕРОВ2024-06-10T18:01:26+05:00Ахмедов Хабибулла Нажуллаевич<p><em>В статье исследуются теоретико-методологические основы организации процессов подготовки и переподготовки кадров в сфере менеджмента. Сформулированы предложения и рекомендации по совершенствованию системы подготовки кадров в сфере менеджмента. </em></p>2024-06-09T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024 ASSETS IN BUDGET ORGANIZATIONS AND THEIR EVALUATION2024-06-11T06:28:26+05:00Iskanov Holjigit Nurkosimovichauthor@gmail.comMisirov Komoliddin<p>Intangible assets in budget organizations and the issues of their evaluation are highlighted in this<br>scientific research work. The calculation model for the accounting unit, object and cost of intangible assets in budget organizations is explained. The revaluation model of intangible assets is also scientifically based..</p>2024-06-10T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024ВОЗНИКНОВЕНИЕ ДЕКРИМИНАЛИЗАЦИИ И ЕЁ РОЛЬ В УГОЛОВНО-ПРАВОВОЙ ПОЛИТИКЕ2024-06-11T15:13:21+05:00М. Курбанов<p>Декриминализация возникает как процесс снятия уголовного наказания за определенные деяния. В уголовно-правовой политике декриминализация играет важную роль, позволяя упорядочить внесение деяний в уголовный закон и смягчить уголовное законодательство. Она осуществляется через социальную роль уголовного права, признание определенных деяний и перенос их ответственности на административный уровень. Так же она является одним из инструментов уголовно-правовой политики, направленной на снижение уровня преступности, обеспечение безопасности общества и воздействие на правовую культуру населения<a href="#_ftn1" name="_ftnref1"><sup>[1]</sup></a>. Исследования теоретических аспектов криминализации и декриминализации помогают понять сущность этих процессов и их роль в уголовно-правовой системе.</p> <p> </p> <p><a href="#_ftnref1" name="_ftn1">[1]</a> Е.А.Казарин. Криминализация и декриминализация общественно опасных деяний как основа уголовной политики. //тезисы доклада на конф. 2020 г. с.21-25</p>2024-06-11T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024РАССМОТРЕНИЕ НА КОНКРЕТНЫХ ПРИМЕРАХ ДЕКРИМИНАЛИЗАЦИЮ ПРЕСТУПЛЕНИЙ В РАЗЛИЧНЫХ СТРАНАХ МИРА2024-06-11T15:14:32+05:00М. Курбанов<p>Современное уголовное право направлено не только на создание условий для более эффективного применения уголовного закона в целях предупреждения преступлений, но и на оказание положительного влияния на правонарушителей. Этого можно достичь путем углубления позитивных подходов к наказанию, чтобы удержать правонарушителей от совершения новых преступлений или побудить их к принятию социально приемлемых норм посткриминального поведения.</p>2024-06-11T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024 KOVLAGICHI YORDAMIDA KARTOSHKANI YIG’ISHTIRISHDA XAVFSIZLIK TEXNIKASI2024-06-11T15:15:45+05:00S. SofiyevAuthor@gmail.coA. YuldashevAuthor@gmail.coS.<p>Kartoshkani yig’ishni boshlashdan oldin yo’nalish aniqlanib keyin signal berilib harakat boshlash kerak. Mashina texnologik jarayoni bajarilayotganda begonalar yaqinlashishi mumkin emas. Ish jarayoni bajarilayotgan vaqtda traktor narvonchasiga chiqish, tortqida yoki mashinada turish, unga ilashish mumkin emas. Traktor ishlab turganda mashinada rostlash ishlarini bajarish man etiladi. Agar mashina ko’tarib qo’yilganda uning ostiga turish mumkin emas. Agar mashina daladan-dalaga o’tayotganda ustiga odam mindirishi qat’iyan man etiladi.</p>2024-06-11T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024СОЯ УРУҒИНИ ЭКУВЧИ СЕЯЛКА МИҚДОРЛАГИЧИНИНГ ДОЗАТОРИНИ ПАРАМЕТРЛАРИНИ АНИҚЛАШ2024-06-11T15:17:32+05:00Р. Р. Йўлдошев<p>Пахта чигити билан соя уруғини бир вақтда пунктир усулида экиш технологияси ўрганилмоқда. Экиш учун экиш воситасини ва уни миқдорлагичини ишлаб чиқиш долзарб масала бўлиб қолди. Масалани ечими сифатида сеялканинг секцияси ишлаб чиқилиб, унга дискли миқдорлагич қўлланилди. Ушбу илмий мақола миқдорлагич дискининг параметрларини аниқлашга бағишланган.</p>2024-06-11T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024ЗНАЧЕНИЕ ПЕРСОНАЛИЗАЦИИ В МАРКЕТИНГЕ: КАК ПРИВЛЕЧЬ И УДЕРЖАТЬ КЛИЕНТОВ2024-06-14T14:20:26+05:00Бахадиров Шохрухбек Анварович<p><em>В современном конкурентном мире маркетинга персонализация становится ключевым фактором для привлечения и удержания клиентов. Персонализированные маркетинговые стратегии позволяют компаниям создавать более глубокие и значимые связи с потребителями, повышая их лояльность и увеличивая продажи. В данной статье рассматриваются основные аспекты и преимущества персонализации, а также методы ее реализации в маркетинговых кампаниях.</em></p>2024-06-14T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024РАЗВИТИЕ БРЕНДА ЧЕРЕЗ ЭФФЕКТИВНОЕ ПОЗИЦИОНИРОВАНИЕ НА РЫНКЕ2024-06-14T14:23:51+05:00Бахадиров Шохрухбек Анварович<p><em>В данной статье рассматривается значение эффективного позиционирования на рынке для развития бренда. Анализируются ключевые стратегии позиционирования, их влияние на восприятие бренда потребителями и конкурентное преимущество. Особое внимание уделяется методам анализа рынка и целевой аудитории, примерам успешных брендов и рекомендациям для бизнеса.</em></p>2024-06-14T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024АНАЛИЗ ПРАКТИКИ ЗАРУБЕЖНЫХ КОМПАНИЙ ПО ПОВЫШЕНИЮ ПРОИЗВОДИТЕЛЬНОСТИ ТРУДА2024-06-14T14:25:32+05:00Мамадалиев Каримжон Баходир ўғли<p><em>В данной работе рассматривается опыт зарубежных компаний в области повышения производительности труда. Исследование включает анализ передовых методов и стратегий, применяемых ведущими мировыми предприятиями для улучшения эффективности и результативности труда. Особое внимание уделено таким аспектам, как внедрение инновационных технологий, оптимизация бизнес-процессов, совершенствование системы мотивации и обучения персонала. Работа демонстрирует практическую значимость и возможность адаптации выявленных подходов в отечественных условиях для повышения конкурентоспособности и устойчивого развития предприятий</em></p>2024-06-14T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024 AND PAYMENT OF PROFIT TAX FROM LEGAL ENTITIES2024-06-14T14:26:38+05:00Utkirov<p><em>The article examines the role of modernization and its importance in increasing agricultural competitiveness. A scientific proposal and practical recommendations aimed at increasing the competitiveness of agriculture through modernization have been formulated</em></p>2024-06-14T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024ОСНОБЕННОСТИ ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ НОРМАТИВОВ В ОСУЩЕСТВЛЕНИИ ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕННОГО ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКОГО КОНТРОЛЯ2024-06-19T17:28:11+05:00Ражабов Нариман Шарифбаевич<p>в статье проанализированы вопросы правового регулирования производственного экологического контроля за соблюдением нормативов в области охраны окружающей природной среды в стране. Проанализированы вопросы дальнейшей совершенствовании системы данного вида экологического контроля, также, порядок проведения, виды и субъекты производственного экологического контроля. Раскрыты особености системы осуществления производственного экологического контроля, также принципы и некоторые важные проблемы по совершенствованию нормативно-правовой базы по данному вопросу. Разработаны соответствующие предложение по совершенствование системы производственного экологического контроля м.</p>2024-06-18T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024 AND PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS INCREASING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS TEACHERS-EDUCATORS ACTIVITY 2024-06-26T06:12:23+05:00Surayyo Gofurovna Rustamova<p>This thesis examines the pedagogical and psychological factors that impact children's education. It explores scholarly perspectives on how educators' interactions with children in preschool settings can influence their development and outcomes.</p>2024-06-23T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024УСТОЗДАН ИЛҲОМЛАНИБ ЯРАТИЛГАН ДОСТОН.2024-06-26T06:16:44+05:00 Маматқулова Феруза Тоҳировнаauthor@gmail.comТожикаримова Намунахон<p>Ушбу маколада Қора бахши Умиров яратган “Тоҳир ва Зуҳра” достони хусусида сўз юритилади. Бахши ўз иқтидори билан ижодий ёндошиб ушбу достоннинг яна бир вариантини яратишга муваффақ бўлди.</p>2024-06-23T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024 Translation Peculiarities of Uzbek National Clothes Into English Language2024-06-26T07:09:17+05:00Anvarova Sayora<p>The article analyzes the peculiarities of translating the names of Uzbek national clothes into English. The study of national costumes, like other areas of people's life, is closely related to the implementation of the ethnic history and culture of each nation, its interactions with other nations. Among material and spiritual monuments, it is also a criterion that reflects the national identity of peoples and shows their ethnic characteristics. In this sense, studying the history of clothing. It provides a lot of information about the rich cultural heritage of the peoples who have been living on earth for thousands of years, as well as their traditions and way of life.</p>2024-06-23T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF BALSAT FABRICS IN DUST AND GAS CLEANING SYSTEMS IN CEMENT MANUFACTURING2024-06-27T16:00:43+05:00Ibrohim Numanovich Abdullayevauthor@gmail.coZuxriddin Axtamjanovich<p>Due to the increase in the number of cement plants, the process of collecting dust from cement production is especially important for Fergana, since this is one of the areas of technogenic pollution of the surrounding air basin. data on the efficiency of gas cleaning by fabric filters in different periods of their operation are given. To ensure the reliability of the filters and their high efficiency, it is shown that it is necessary to have large filtering surfaces and to avoid too deep regeneration.</p> <p>Conclusions on the increase in cleaning efficiency are presented. The high capital costs are then offset by longer hoses and spare parts without replacement and lower maintenance costs. Methods and procedure for regenerating filters without damaging tissue are presented, and a feasibility study to reduce the time for their replacement.</p>2024-06-27T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF MANAGEMENT MECHANISM OF BUILDING MATERIALS MANUFACTURING ENTERPRISES2024-07-12T08:07:08+05:00Uzakova Umida<p>The scientific article shows the content and essence of the mechanism of development of construction materials manufacturing enterprises. Including ensuring the integration of elements in organizational structures and raising the competitiveness of the enterprise; ensuring self-management and interaction between elements in order to organize effective production; providing a stable impetus to create a constant combination of production factors based on innovative risk; It is based on increasing the stability of the internal and external environment of the enterprise, as well as ensuring the liberality and effective development of enterprises .</p>2024-07-08T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024 IMPORTANCE OF THE AGRICULTURAL SECTOR IN THE FORMATION OF FOOD RESERVES2024-07-12T08:10:52+05:00Khamraev Nodirbek<p>The state of development of the agricultural sector in Uzbekistan and the potential of investment in enterprises of the food industry are considered. In particular, the essence of the concept of enterprises of the food industry is revealed and the need for comprehensive consideration from the point of view of enterprises of the food industry, which carry out investment potential and investment activities, which is one of the main economic categories, is based. The definition of investment potential is given and the definitions of different scientists are summed up.</p>2024-07-08T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024 METHODOLOGICAL ISSUES OF WATER USE MANAGEMENT IN TERRITORIES2024-07-12T08:16:22+05:00Berdiyev Anvar<p><em>This article highlights the new paradigms of water use management in the regions of our country.</em> <em>There is an urgent need to establish strong international mechanisms to prevent the global water crisis from spiraling out of control. Water is our common future and it is essential to act together to share it equitably and manage it sustainably.</em></p>2024-07-08T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF SOCIOLOGICAL THEORIES ON PUBLIC SERVICE2024-07-12T11:09:53+05:00Rano Rustamqizi<p>The stages of development of the civil service have been a constant object of research by Western and Eastern sociologists. After all, the development of the civil service is closely related to the development of the country. This article presents an analysis of sociological research and theories of Eastern scientists regarding public service. The reforms being implemented today in the state civil service in the Republic of Uzbekistan are also analyzed.</p>2024-07-12T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF REGULATING THE ACTIVITIES OF NATURAL MONOPOLIES2024-07-13T17:07:08+05:00Umarova Irodakhon<p>As a result of the reforms being carried out in our country, significant transformations are also being implemented in all sectors, including those falling under natural monopolies. In the context of globalization, structural changes are being made in sectors that form the main part of the country's infrastructure. These changes aim to foster a competitive environment, ensure stable growth in the real sector of the economy, enhance competitiveness within industries, accelerate the processes of modernization and diversification of industrial sectors, reduce the state-owned sectors structurally, and privatize and divest service units from state ownership.</p>2024-07-09T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024 PROSPECTS OF ISLAMIC WINDOW SERVICES IN THE ACTIVITIES OF COMMERCIAL BANKS2024-08-10T12:02:43+05:00Absamatov Askar<p>This article discusses ways to develop Islamic banking services in commercial banks, including analyzing existing problems and improving development prospects. The article also reflects existing problems in the prospects for the development of the use of Islamic banking services in the activities of commercial banks of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as the author’s approaches and proposals for eliminating them.</p>2024-08-10T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024 The Degree of Infection of Goats With Pathogens of Monieziasis in Irrigation Areas of the Kashkadarya Region2024-08-17T09:48:25+05:00Sh. O. Eshmatov<p>The level of infection of goats with monieziasis pathogens in Kamashi, Yakkabog, Guzor districts of Kashkadarya region, located in irrigation territory, was determined.</p>2024-08-17T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024ТАРЖИМА ЖАРАЁНИДА МУТАНОСИБЛИК/НОМУТАНОСИБЛИК ТУШУНЧАСИ2024-08-21T16:58:40+05:00Қосимова Нафиса<p>Таржима жараёни аслият мазмунини ўзига хос тизим сифатида акс эттириш омили экан, уни мутаносиблик/номутаносиблик нуқтаи назаридан ўрганиш муҳим аҳамият касб этади. Таржима жараёнидаги асимметрияни ўрганиш тушунча ва терминлар тизимига тиллараро асимметрия тушунчасини киритишнинг мақсадга мувофиқлигини кўрсатди. Аслида таржимон бир белгили тизим (аслият тили) қийматини бошқа белгили тизим (таржима тили) қийматига ўгириш, бошқача айтганда, у ўз фаолиятида нафақат аслият матни унсурларининг луғавий маъноларини бериш, балки аслият ва таржима тили лисоний бирликлари орасидаги қийматни излаб топиш ва ўринли қўллаш билан ҳам шуғулланади.</p>2024-08-18T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY PRACTICES FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES2024-08-22T11:14:34+05:00Murotkosimov Shokhrukh<p>This article explores the theoretical and practical foundations for improving corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices in construction companies. It also analyzes international experiences in this area and considers how they can be adapted to local conditions. Additionally, the article provides detailed information on the effectiveness and social impacts of CSR activities in construction companies.</p>2024-08-21T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024 CHARACTERISTICS OF DIGITAL PLATFORMS USED IN INTERNATIONAL TRADE2024-08-24T16:38:04+05:00A. B.<p>The creation of modern digital platforms serves to increase the volume of international trade. In recent years, a lot of attention has been paid to the creation of digital platforms serving international trade. For a long time, the digital platform owned by Microsoft was the only digital platform internationally. However, later, Apple, Amazon, Neftlix, Alibaba, which are considered world giants in the field of information technology, created their own digital platforms.</p>2024-08-24T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF INFORMATION IN THE BINARY NUMBER SYSTEM2024-09-07T14:39:45+05:00Zaripov Nozimbek<p>This article describes methods of encoding information using binary. In addition, this article provides examples of reverse and forward encoding methods. Also, the article explains in detail the concepts of addition and subtraction according to the sign of numbers.</p>2024-09-07T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024