Volume , April 2024

Table of Contents

International Conference on Educational and Social Studies

Call for Papers

International Conference on Educational and Social Studies (ICESS)

The International Conference on Educational and Social Studies (ICESS) is a premier academic event that brings together scholars, researchers, educators, and practitioners from around the globe to explore and discuss emerging trends, issues, and innovations in the fields of education and social studies.

Conference Objectives:

  • To provide a platform for exchanging cutting-edge research findings and innovative ideas in educational and social studies.
  • To foster interdisciplinary collaboration and networking among scholars and professionals in academia, industry, and government.
  • To facilitate dialogue and debate on key challenges and opportunities facing education and society in the 21st century.

Conference Themes:

Papers are invited in, but not limited to, the following areas:

  1. Educational Psychology and Counseling
  2. Curriculum Development and Instructional Design
  3. Social Studies Education and Civic Engagement
  4. Educational Technology and Digital Learning
  5. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Education
  6. Global Perspectives on Education Policy and Practice
  7. Sociology of Education and Critical Pedagogy
  8. Lifelong Learning and Adult Education
  9. Cross-cultural Studies in Education
  10. Educational Leadership and Management

Submission Guidelines:

Authors are invited to submit original research papers, case studies, and review articles not under review elsewhere. Submissions should adhere to the conference formatting guidelines and be submitted electronically through the conference website.

Important Dates:

  • Abstract Submission Deadline: [25.05.2024]
  • Notification of Acceptance: [30.05.2024]
  • Full Paper Submission Deadline: [10.06.2024]
  • Conference Dates: [15.06.2024]

Conference Venue:

Venue: Turkey, Istambul, 2024

Publication Opportunities:

Selected papers presented at ICESS will be considered for publication in a reputable peer-reviewed journal or edited book volume special issue.

Contact Information:

For inquiries regarding the conference, submission guidelines, or related matters, please contact the conference secretariat 

We look forward to your participation in ICESS and to engaging in fruitful discussions on the latest developments in educational and social studies research and practice.


Conference Organizing Committee

Published: Apr 13, 2024

Yusupov Nasirilo, Mardanov Husniddin Kholbazarovich, Abdunazarov Otabek Ulug'bekovich
Azimov Uluģbek Muzapparovich
Eshankulova B.D., Mirsharapov U.M.
Masharipova Gularam Kamilovna , Batirbaeva Shalola Sultankulovna
Izzatullayev N., Qurbonova Z.A., , Elmamatov F., , TillyayevA.D.
Мамараджабов Фарход Бахтиярович
Abdulloh Ubaydulloh o’g’li Nishonov
Ganieva Umida Abdugaffarovna
Tursunov Bekmukhammad Omonovich
Mirkhodjayeva Dilorom Batirovna -
Elmamatov F., Qurbonova Z.A, Izzatullayev N, Tillyayev A.D.
Erkhonova Malakhat Absaitovna
Ganieva Umida Abdugaffarovna
Ахмедов Хабибулла Нажуллаевич
Iskanov Holjigit Nurkosimovich, Misirov Komoliddin Mamasabirovich
М. Курбанов
М. Курбанов
S. Sofiyev, A. Yuldashev, S. Isamov
Р. Р. Йўлдошев
Бахадиров Шохрухбек Анварович
Бахадиров Шохрухбек Анварович
Мамадалиев Каримжон Баходир ўғли
Utkirov Aslbek
Ражабов Нариман Шарифбаевич
Surayyo Gofurovna Rustamova
Маматқулова Феруза Тоҳировна, Тожикаримова Намунахон
Anvarova Sayora Minavarzhanovna
Ibrohim Numanovich Abdullayev, Zuxriddin Axtamjanovich Umirzakov
Uzakova Umida Ruzievna
Khamraev Nodirbek Ravshanovich
Berdiyev Anvar Abdivalievich
Rano Rustamqizi Turakhujaeva
Umarova Irodakhon Nuraliyevna
Absamatov Askar Ergashovich
Sh. O. Eshmatov
Қосимова Нафиса
Murotkosimov Shokhrukh Abdisalimovich
A. B. Mirkhujaev
Zaripov Nozimbek Nayimovich